Obituary for Timothy Thornton, CEO St Louis Law Firm

June 28,

Timothy Thornton, president and CEO of St. Louis law firm Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, died Sunday (June 23, ) after his bicycle was struck by a pickup truck in Wildwood. He was 64.

Mr. Thornton, who joined Greensfelder in 1981, won a landmark case in 2007 when he successfully defended four engineering firms — known as the Cross County Collaborative — against Metro. The public transit agency had sued the engineering firms for negligence, breach of contract and fraud over delays and more than $120 million in cost overruns for the 8-mile MetroLink extension to Clayton and Shrewsbury.

Instead of awarding Metro any of the $81 million it sought, the jury gave the firms in the collaborative $2.56 million.

WIPCOL extends condolences to the peers at St Louis Law Firm.