The Perks & Benefits

Membership at WIPCOL promises countless benefits both for professional and personal grooming. It not only allows endless networking opportunities, but our ever expanding consortium of global lawyers, give you the best networking opportunities helping you establish yourself as a lawyer. WIPCOL Membership in addition, also provdes countless discounts and other exclusive opportunities.

As a royal GLIPS member, our members also get the prestigious feat of acquiring a free basic GLIPS membership which further adds to their portfolio.

Free Permanent Membership

With WIPCOL membership, you also get free permanent membership of Global Intellectual Property System (GLIPS), which is a worldwide body of IP systems with over 5000 member firms globally. The GLIPS membership offers several additional benefits

Career Opportunities

Being the largest syndicate of the legal fraternity, WIPCOL provides you with ample opportunities and networking chances to make your place in the world. Whether you are looking for an employment opportunity or seeking well-trained legal professionals, WIPCOL Careers is the one stop solution for you.

Exclusive Access to GLIPS
Referral Program

In addition to the countless career opportunities promised through the WIPCOL membership, our members also get free access to the GLIPS referral program which allows attorneys to earn upto $25,000 a month as a referral incentive.

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Speaking Sessions at Global Conferences

WIPCOL also gives you the chance to shape Global IP policies by Attending FREE Virtual Global Conferences of GLIPS worth $500 each. Your Firm members will also be selected for the position of speaker at our international conferences, adding to their portfolio as a lawyer

GLIPS Permanent Member Badge & Certificate

Our members also get the prestigious membership badge and certificate of GLIPS which not only adds to the credibility of our member firms/attorneys/IP Officers but also grants them unlimited opportunities.

International Exposure & State representation at GUNA

WIPCOL also promises its member attorneys to represent their state on the biggest global platform for Intellectual Property, the GLIPS United Nations Assembly (GUNA), which is a prestigious feat.

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Monthly Access to WIPCOL Electoral Candidacy via Leadership Program

Our members enlisted particularly through the WIPCOL Leadership Program also are benefitted with the opportunity to access WIPCOL's monthly Electoral Candidacy Program allowing them to lead the WIPCOL activities in their respective states.

Get Referred Clients for Local Trademark Registration

At WIPCOL we also ensure our member firms get a good number of clients for local trademark registration referred towards them. This helps our member firms and attorneys grow.

Listing on GLIPS ePlatform

The attorneys and IP officers that are members at WIPCOL are also listed on the GLIPS ePlatform and also are free to use the GLIPS signature in their formal communication, vis a vis John Oliver GLIPS GUNA- PC Executive Jury

Networking through
Members’ Forumt

The WIPCOL Members Forum provides unlimited access and opportunities to mingle with the leading law firms worldwide. With an equal chance of participation, WIPCOL Members’ Forum provides practical resources to access legal systems across the world enhancing the skills of members.

Sponsored Legal Education
via Partner Schools

Our association with law schools provides an apt opportunity to enhance your legal education. With WIPCOL you can participate in scores of local and international study groups, committees & global conferences and provides necessary tools for research multiplying your knowledge base.

Sponsored Training Courses at GLIPS Academy

With our royal GLIPS membership, we offer our clients countless training courses at the GLIPS academy which not only gives finesse to your legal skills but also add to your portfolio since the GLIPS academy is recognized by over 196 states worldwide. You can learn more about GLIPS training program here

Access to Legal Journals

WIPCOL’s quarterly publications provide in-depth insight to legislative and jurisdictive measures around the globe . Our bi-annual report on judicial proceedings keep you updated on the global judicial system. In addition, WIPCOL members also enjoy discounts at several ecommerce platforms