GUNA Arbitration Council Recognizes WIPCOL Resolution

June 28,

In a successful turn of events, the GUNA Arbitration Council recognized WIPCOL's resolution against copyrights infringement and has agreed to direct it to GUNA for formal adaptation by all GLIPS member states.

The WIPCOL resolution proposed a unanimous law against copyrights infringement in all GLIPS member states to ensure the trademark protection is maintained globally.

WIPCOL prepared and presented the resolution in the GUNA Arbitration Council meeting which was presided by GLIPS Austin System director.

In a press release issued by the GUNA AC, it is declared that GUNA AC believes a resolution as this will help GLIPS achieve its goal of a globally protected marketplace.

WIPCOL has been actively involved in propagation of GLIPS programs and has also recently launched the WIPCOL Leadership Program for propagation of Toronto System.