WIPCOL Automated Peer

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World intellectual Property Consortium of Lawyers


Improving IP Attorneys' Life globally

WIPCOL Automated Peer Review

WIPCOL Automated Peer Review System allows our selected top tier attorneys to rate the top 10 firms of their states from our directory ranking them from one to ten based on their evaluation.

Through WAPR, we aim to choose the top firms in every state/city of our 196 member countries and hence develop a global IP Lawyers and officers community.

All the selected firms will also be given a Permanent GLIPS membership. GLIPS is an international sytem for Intellectual Property.

The top 2 selected firms in each state will get Prime & Presidential membership of GLIPS which promises exciting addition benefits. You can read more about GLIPS here

The WAPR system is designed to bring together the global lawyers and IP Officers community through Peer Reviews.


Secure Database

WAPR is the most secure database for Intellectual Property Law Firms and officers.

WAPR allows you to freely participate in a worldwide peer review system with its automated process.


WAPR database is the biggest data base of IP Law firms globally including details of law firms and attorneys registered with them in one place ensuring a thorough review system.



WAPR system also assures transparency of peer review process and allows you to rate the top firms of your own state hence empowering attorneys globally.